Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

It's Good Friday ... strange term for an ugly day.
When Rome said to Jesus:
"No more of this young man."
"To your room, and there'll be no supper for you."

Rome was the top dog.
Its version the story.
Raise a question? "I wouldn't if I were  you."
"Cross us, and we'll cross you."

Some Christians, when Empire looked good to them,
Said: "Jesus died for our sins."
Now, here was an idea Empire could dig.
An idea that really worked, for the sake of Empire.

"We may be bad," but we're forgiven."
Jesus died for our sins, right?
All is good.
So, let's get on it with it.

Empire in Jesus' name.
Blood and guts spilled by the ton.
Slavery, torture and death.
All in Jesus' name.

Wow ... what a pack of lies.
What a terrible day.
When the church looked at Friday,

and called it Good!

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