Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010 - Prayers of the Day

O LORD our God,
We thank you for the ceaseless compassion that guides our steps through life … in the worst of times, and in the best of times, your grace is sufficient unto the needs of the day.

In our sorrows, LORD,
And in our fear.
In our confusion and in our frustration.
You are God, and to you we belong.

Though we are frequently lost, you find us.
Though death is the dark shadow upon our souls, Christ is the light of the world.
And to him, O God, we turn.
In his cross, we find comfort.
In his resurrection, we find hope.
In his ascension, we find promise.

O God, help us, this day, to be deeply and wonderfully centered in our Savior.
In a land where so many folks are weary of religion.
Tired of the ranting and raving of poorly trained preachers.
Tired of the lies that religion has to tell to stay in business.

Help us to be joyfully about the truth.
The truth of Jesus and his love.
Help us, we pray, to lean on the everlasting arms.

And for the Holy Spirit we continue to pray.
And with the Spirit, we trust.
Trust that you are at work in all things for good.
That in life and in death, we belong to you.

And by the Spirit, dear God, we choose the best and the brightest.

We will walk with Christ.
We will shine light in the darkness.
We will open doors and welcome one another.
We will speak kindly and live peaceably as much as possible.

And when we fail, we’ll admit it.
When we speak harshly, we’ll seek forgiveness.

And we’ll keep on learning, LORD.
Keep on loving.
Keep on hoping.
Because that’s your way.
You do not give up on us, O God.
And we will not give up on one another.

Because of the Holy Spirit.
And for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Who taught us to pray, saying, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done …

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