Monday, August 26, 2024

8.18.24 Prayers of Church & Community, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA

 Prayers of Church & Community, August 18, 2024

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Holy God, Eternal Light … 

Love divine, all loves excelling …

Remind us, we pray, that we are yours … in life and in death, in time and for eternity … remind us that our trials and tribulations are held in your hands, that you are at work in all things for good … 

Instruct us in the ways of Christ, that we might be the salt of the earth and the light of the world … 

Give us this day our daily bread … forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors …

Holy God, Eternal Light,

Love divine, all loves excelling …

We pray for the people of Greece … those who fight the raging fires … who protect life and limb … who comfort the bereaved … who rebuild and restore … who live on for another day …

We pray for the scientists who study climate change … who pay attention to things we might otherwise ignore … give us, we pray, eyes to see your world of trees and creatures, and ears to hear their words … words of hope and cries of distress …

Save us, we pray, from those who speak lies to further their own interests … who confuse the matter to hide their greed … who fail the tests of credibility and decency … 

Give us, we pray, the courage to face the realities of the day … to live in the present and not hide in the past, to reach for the future, and welcome the new.

We pray for our children and grandchildren … we pray for our parents and grandparents … we pray for all who love us, and for all whom we love … 

Help us, we pray, to seek the better idea … to practice the fine arts of compassion and kindness … help us, we pray, to be patient in our decision-making, to speak the truth in love, and to live for the love of truth … we entrust ourselves to your care, dear God, and we care about thy kingdom, thy kingdom come, thy will be done … on earth as it is in heaven.

We pray for churches all around the world … we pray for synagogues and temples, mosques and monasteries … we pray for priests and pastors, imams and rabbis … 

We pray for Westminster on Lake Avenue … we pray for the Tower that still stands … may all who see it, see faith, hope, and love … may our doors, dear God, be open to all - the prodigal child, the lost coin, the wandering sheep … may everyone find shelter in this sanctuary … this home away from home, wherein the gospel is proclaimed with confidence and joy, forgiveness is the cornerstone of all that we are  … a place of innovation and creativity, fresh ideas and ancient wisdom … love divine, all loves excelling … 

In the name of our LORD Jesus Christ who taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen

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