Monday, May 22, 2023

5.21.23 Prayers of Church & Community, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA

There is liberty, O God, in your grace and your love … 

there is acceptance and welcome …

Forgiveness and mercy …

a place for us at your Table …

a place for all of humanity …

none are lost, all are found.

Your kingdom come, O God:

Your will be done on earth:

The hungry are fed

The poor are clothed

The lonely are comforted.

Holy LORD God, we give thanks that we have been called by Christ to be a part of your great work throughout creation … by your Holy Spirit, equip us for the task, we pray, give us the spiritual skills necessary to love deeply, the abilities to distinguish the truth from the lie, and the will to seek the common good, for all your creatures, great and small.

This day, we give thanks for those whom you have called to this place and time, to give themselves to you, and to the life & work of Westminster.

For Suzanne and Cheryl, for Deanna and Phil - we give you our thanks and praise … you created them for this moment … before the foundation of the earth, before the first burst of light, you knew them, loved them, and waited for them, to share in this holy moment of time and place.

Watch over them, dear God, we pray … strengthen them day-by-day, shine upon them with the love of Christ, bless their souls with joy and peace.

Great is your name, O God - Father … Son … Holy Spirit.

Mother, Daughter, Eternal love.

Creator, Redeemer, Giver of Life.

Presence, Power, and Purpose.

One in Three, and Three in One.

In the name of our LORD Jesus Christ who taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen

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