Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Am Against ...

I am against The Wall.
I am against Liars and Cheats.
I am against Maggot Hats.
I am against private white schools.
Even Catholic ones.
I am against private schools that
Bar LGBTQ teachers and make life
Miserable for LGBTQ students.
I am against bigotry and hate
Claiming "just being Christian."
Such is nothing less than a baldfaced lie.
A heresy of incommensurable evil.
As I oppose such things, dark and wicked.
Mindless and malevolent;
I stand up for:
LGBTQ rights, across the board.
A woman's right to choose, in all matters of health.
Transgender rights.
Voter Rights.
Free birth control.
Sex education.
Fully funded public education.
All across the board.
I am for freedom of thought and religion.
For Equal Opportunity.
Equal wages for women.
Universal Heath Care.
Higher taxes on the upper crust.
Taxes are nothing more than the ancient
Art of Alms-giving.
The redistribution of wealth.
To help the poor.
And save the souls of the rich.
I am for fresh air and clean water.
Clear skies and job training.
For safe food.
And unions.
For all the things that make life good.
For all of God's creatures.
Great and Small.
I do this from the heart of my being.
My faith in God.
And the work of Christ.
Who fed the hungry.
Confronted the pious.
Tweaked the noses of the proud.
Refused Pilate's mindless chatter.
Freely expressed his doubts and fears.
And in ways never to be understood.
Came through death to life.
And with the angels, rolled away the stone.
I believe these things because they speak of love.
Of hope and faith.
And that's why I oppose the shenanigans
Of the power-hungry.
And elements of the Christian Family who are
Flat-out wrong, or so I think, and so I believe.
It's not the first time that Christians are wrong.
Nor the last.
And perhaps I'm wrong, too.
And if I am, so be it.
I can only be here and how.
With what I have, and what I hope.
And the way I see it.
By the Spirit, by reading and prayer.
In the company of good friends.
I do my best.
To honor what is best in the human story.
God's story, too.
From Cradle to Cross.
From Genesis to Revelations.
From the Tree of Life to the healing of the nations.

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