Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010 - Prayers of the People

It is right and good, O God, for us to say thank you … to set our minds upon your mercy and to set aside ourselves for a few redeeming moments – free of me, mine and myself, as least during this time of prayer and worship. Free to count some of our many blessings and give you thanks:

You have given us your very own breath.
You have given us dignity and responsibility.
You have endowed us with conscience.
You have provided all things needful.
You have set your love upon us, and made us a part of Christ, Christ the Cornerstone, Christ the Morning Star, Christ the hope of the world!

We pray today for the State of Israel and its Palestinian citizens.
We pray for Afghanistan and Pakistan and India.
We pray for Iraq and Prime Minister Maliki.

We pray today for social workers and child-welfare workers.
We pray for those who work in prisons.
We pray for teachers in tough schools and hard neighborhoods.

We pray for Fr. Boyle and his work with youth.
We pray for the Catholic Workers Kitchen downtown and the Union Rescue Mission.
We pray for the LAX Food Pantry.
And for all who ease the pains and sorrows of suffering.

We pray, O God, for your Holy Spirit to enter anew into our hearts and minds, clearing out the dark materials, and embedding the light of Christ..
To whom we belong.
And in whom we find ourselves and our purpose in life – to glorify you, our Father in heaven, to reach out and make disciples, joining hands with others along the way, in one great fellowship of faith and witness.
We look to Christ, O God:
His selfless deeds of mercy.
His voluntary death.
His glorious resurrection from the dead.
And his continuing power to save us.

Today, we give special thanks for Canines @ Covenant.
For Patty Hedges and her leadership, her compassion and vision.
For Caralyn and Lynn, and many others who embrace the passion and the mission of Canines @ Covenant.
With them, we give thanks fir a year of worship and praise.
For changed lives, and lives changing the world.

We give thanks for Veterans Day, a time to remember.
Those who have served their nation in a moment of great need.
We honor them today, and pray your blessing upon them and their families.

We pray today for Covenant on the Corner.
For our Designated Pastor Nominating Committee.
For our elders and deacons.
For everyone who makes Covenant a place of worship and praise unto your glory, O God.

We pray today for those who grieve the loss of loved ones, who now, of necessity, walk through the valley of the shadow of death. That you are near to them, dear God, in the hour of need, is worthy of our praise. That in all such places and times, you minister tenderly to those with broken hearts.

We pray for our children.
We pray for our families.
We pray, O God, that in some small way today, we will prove faithful to you, no matter what.
That we will serve Christ and love one another.

In the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us …

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