Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8, 2009, Prayers of the People

Draw near to us, O God.

Let us see your face in Christ, and in Christ, hear your Word.

By your Holy Spirit, O God,
Bring rest to the weary and hope to the forlorn.
Healing to the broken and courage to the fearful.
Restore the fallen, O God, and reclaim the lost.
Meet us this morning with your superior love and your infinite glory, that we might flee the lies of this world and love the truth of Christ all the more.
That in Christ, we might be the light of the world,
And the salt of the earth.

This is our prayer, O God,
This is our desire.
That we would see Christ this morning.
And be made anew in him.
This is our prayer, O God,
This is our desire.
That we would be made new in Christ!
And Christ made new in us.

LORD Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God,
Take away from us all that would distort communion with your Father … take away the fear that magnifies our need, so that we might be fearless in our defense of others and untiring in our work to bring peace to our world.
Take away bitter memories that entrap us in self-pity …
Take away the grinding pressure of remorse … that we might cry no more over spilled milk, but cry all the more for the plight of the poor and the thousands of children who this day will die, cut short in life by political cruelty.
Take away all that embitters us, we pray …
That we might have a sweeter disposition …
Take away from us all false loves,
That we might love you with all of our heart and soul and strength and mind and lovr our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Take away all self-centeredness, that we might set free to serve as best we can.
Take away from us, we pray, all foolish dreams,
That we might apply ourselves to the years of our life.
To work and to work hard.
To laugh and to laugh deeply.
To expend our lives for worthy causes and high purpose.
To give back to life more than we take.
To add rather than subtract.
Build up rather than tear down.
That we might bring cheer to our homes and workplaces.
Peace to a troubled neighbor.
Hope to a co-worker.
That we might be a little Christ for those who know us.
And find our place in Christ, and find Christ in our place.

Today, O God, in this place called Covenant.
Covenant on the Corner.
Covenant on the move.
We thank you …

We thank you for all who serve you with glad hearts and joyful spirits.
Our musicians and our singers.
Our liturgists and our Sunday School teachers.
Our Deacons and our Elders.
Our greeters and our ushers.
Presbyterian Women and Groups Alive.
Youth ministries and Canines@Covenant.
Michelle and Edgar.
All who are here Sunday-by-Sunday to praise your name and to learn your Word.
Thanks be to you, O God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Son, our LORD Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth …

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