Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Sunday Report

Presbyterians were out in force over Big Sunday weekend. Multiple churches signed up for weeding at the White Point Nature Preserve. Land that formerly was used for military purposes (sites for sixteen inch guns during WWII and Nike missiles with nuclear warheads during the Cold War), was transferred from the government to the City of Los Angeles and will be allowed to return to its original state. The volunteers helped eradicate an invasive species of weed from the land. What an example of our role as peacemakers and caretakers of the earth to help transform land that was formerly needed for war to land that will be used for recreation. Several connections were made with in the groups of Presbyterians, a volunteer from one church found a long lost relative who was serving with another church.

Another group was helping in a neighborhood when a resident approached them to thank them and ask who they were, when he discovered they were Presbyterians he responded “I am too” and joined the team for the rest of the day.

The hubsite at Bel Air attracted people of all ages and from the surrounding community. People gathered in groups to decorate cookies for the homeless (over 1000 were decorated, bagged and sent out), make flower pots for shut-ins, cool ties for firefighters and gifts for mothers in shelters. Groups of people gathered around each project to complete it and enjoy each other, a warm sense of community hovered over the entire day.

Thank you to all of the churches that participated in Big Sunday. Consider keeping in touch with the organizations where you worked. For those churches that were unable to join us, consider jumping in next year, it’s always the first weekend in May.

The Big Sunday Lead Team:

Kim Allen-Niesen, Bel Air Presbyterian Church 310.476.0065; Rev. Heidi Worthen Gamble, Presbytery of the Pacific 310.670.5076; Elizabeth Evans, Westwood Presbyterian Church; Rev. Charles Suhayda, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood; Leslie Boatwright, Bel Air Presbyterian Church 818.783.3639.

Forty Years of Mission in the Presbytery of the Pacific: Offering Ourselves, Becoming Transformed

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