Tuesday, November 19, 2019

We're Fundamentally a Good Nation

Let's say, for a moment, that Rump did nothing wrong ... that he did nothing illegal or even questionable ... that everything he did was normal.

And, then what?
What are we left with?

Chaos, crooks in jail, confusion.
Uncertainty and cruelty.

Lots of cruelty.
Abandoning the land to special interests.
Children in cages.
Families decimated.

A government full of scoundrels and scalawags.
Foreign policy in shreds.

He goes to cities for rallies and doesn't pay.
He refuses to release his taxes.
He runs away to his resorts.
He plays endless golf.

He's rude and crude.
He's foolish and full of himself.

His whole life is a combover.

He's not fit to lead our nation.
And if, for some, the economy is good.
That's not a result of his "greatness."
It's the result of America's ingenuity and energy.
Creativity and innovation.

We're fundamentally a good nation.
We've got skeletons in our closet, of course.
But we're a good nation.

But that goodness right now is being tainted.
As never quite before.

By a terrible man who otherwise would be a mob boss.

I think he's guilty of impeachable offenses.
But beyond that, he's guilty of crimes against his own humanity, and the humanity of millions around the world.

He's betrayed the common good.
He's betrayed the God he uses so skillfully to fool the religious naive.
He's betrayed everything that makes for truth.

Impeachable by the House?

Impeachable in the Courts of Faith, Hope and Love?